🚨 Disclaimer: Routify 3 is currently in Release Candidate stage.

Please be aware that while the documentation is comprehensive, it may contain inaccuracies or errors. The codebase is also subject to changes that could affect functionality. We appreciate your understanding and welcome any feedback or contributions.



Dynamic Modules

It is possible to remove, replace or prepend modules to another module or node.

├─ admin/
| ├─ dashboard/
| | ├─ _module.svelte
| | ├─ foo.svelte         #default behavior
| | ├─ bar@.svelte        #remove parent modules
| | ├─ baz@fun.svelte     #replace parent modules with _module-fun.svelte
| | ├─ qux@fun+.svelte    #prepend parent modules with _module-fun.svelte
| ├─ _module.svelte
| ├─ index.svelte
| _module.svelte
| _module-fun.svelte
| index.svelte

Default behavior

By default, Routify will render a page with all its parent modules. Eg. if we visit /admin/dashboard/foo, Routify will render the following components recursively.

_module.svelte -> admin/module.svelte -> admin/dashboard/_module.svelte -> admin/dashboard/foo.svelte

Named modules

A named module, is a module that is prefixed with -somename. Eg. _module-fun.svelte in the example above. Any module or page that descends from the same folder as a named module, will be able to use the named module.

Removing parent modules

Removing parent modules can be done by using the meta option <!-- routify:meta reset --> Alternatively, the file can be prepended with a @. Eg. bar@.svelte in the example above.

If we visit the URL /admin/dashboard/bar, the rendered components would be admin/dashboard/bar@svelte

Replacing parent modules with a named module

Replacing a parent modules can be done by using the meta option <!--routify:meta reset="<name of module>" -->. Eg. <!--routify:meta reset="fun" -->.

Alternatively, the file can be prepended with @<name of module>. Eg. baz@fun.svelte.

If we visit the URL /admin/dashboard/baz, the rendered components would be _module-fun.svelte -> admin/dashboard/baz@fun.svelte.

Prepending parent modules with a named module

Modules can prepended by using the meta option <!--routify:meta reset="<name of module>+" -->. Eg. <!--routify:meta reset="fun+" -->. Notice the +.

Alternatively, the file can be prepended with @<name of module>+. Eg. qux@fun+.svelte. Notice the +.

If we visit the URL /admin/dashboard/qux, the rendered components would be _module-fun.svelte -> _module.svelte -> admin/module.svelte -> admin/dashboard/_module.svelte -> admin/dashboard/foo.svelte.

Global module

To create a global module we can can create a _module-global.svelte in the root and then use it in _module.svelte by adding the comment <!--routify:meta reset="global+" -->.

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