🚨 Disclaimer: Routify 3 is currently in Release Candidate stage.

Please be aware that while the documentation is comprehensive, it may contain inaccuracies or errors. The codebase is also subject to changes that could affect functionality. We appreciate your understanding and welcome any feedback or contributions.



Render Modes

SSR and SSG in R3 is experimental

Routify can be rendered on the client (CSR), on the server (SSR) and prerendered (SSG).

Vite Example

  1. Enable at least one render modes in Routify’s Vite plugin. If you’re using ssg or ssr, make sure you enable compilerOptions.hydratable in Svelte’s Vite plugin.
// vite.config.js
import routify from `@roxi/routify/vite-plugin`
plugins: [
  routify({ render: { 
    ssr: { enable: true }, // Server Side rendering
    ssg: { enable: true }, // Static Site Generation
    csr: { enable: true} // Client Side Rendering, enabled by default
  svelte({ compilerOptions: { hydratable: true } })
  1. Enable hydrate in your app if you’re using ssg or ssr.
// src/main.js
new App({ target: document.body, hydrate: true})

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